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7-Minute Speedrun Record

7-Minute Speedrun Record

Elden Ring players have discovered lots of impressive ways to beat the game since its February release. Personally, Many have never considered defeating Radagon with a Dance Dance Revolution mat, but then again, some still wandering the Gate front Ruins like a lost little soul.

The speedrunning community around Elden Ring is constantly attempting to outdo one another. We were all admittedly impressed by the first successful sub-50-minute run. Our admiration grew as the run was shortened to under 30 minutes.

The latest record was set by Twitch streamer Distortion2, who is no stranger to breaking Elden Ring speedrun records, though his new time of six minutes and 59 seconds is a significant improvement over his previous 50-minute mark. Let me enlighten you, my Tarnished friends if you’ve managed to avoid all discussion of the increasingly cursed realm of Elden Ring speedruns and are wondering how this is possible.

Distortion2 employed a technique known as ‘The Zip,’ which entails leaving Elden Ring’s map and having the game transport you to a different location. Some refer to this as glitching the credits, while others refer to it as a speedrun.

Distortion2 was able to quickly travel to The Four Belfries, followed by Crumbling Farum Azula, using the technique. He took on Maliketh twice here before speeding through Leyndell, Ashen Capital, and forcing the Elden Beast to spawn.

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